Moving In

Since the last update, we have actually moved in to the new house, finally and officially! This means it might be a bit before we get around to doing the finishing touches. However, the update we should have shared earlier is that the countertops went in!

If you recall, the fridge should also have gone in by now. Well, we do have a fridge, but it is not the one we ordered. Turns out global pandemics can affect global supply lines, who knew… so our fridge still hasn’t shown up at the warehouse. After some customer service kerfluffling, we were granted a perfectly functional—if slightly small—loaner fridge to use in the meantime (since we donated the old fridge long ago and didn’t have anything else to use).

Since these photos were taken, we have also (as of this morning) put on all the knobs and handles! Though it’s a little hard to get good photos of the whole kitchen with all the clutter (kitchen things are about 75% unpacked/put away), here are a couple closer shots:

Our final to-do list comes down to: Put in a backsplash, put on the cabinet valences and toe kick covers, replace window/door trim (and reattach the basement door), and cut the old baseboard to fit the new spaces/reattach it, plus a host of small odds and ends that we may or may not do (add a shelf over the window? order the end panels we forgot?). And of course await the correctly-sized fridge. But all in all, it is now a functional, lived-in kitchen!